German Machine Tool Builders Association-机械制造-品牌-国际会展网

German Machine Tool Builders Association

  • 品牌名称:German Machine Tool Builders Association
  • 公司名称:深圳市环宇视展展览策划有限公司
  • 官方主页
  • 所在地区:中国广东
  • 浏览次数1336
  • 更新日期:2023-08-30

The German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW)

German machine tools are in demand the whole world over. The products concerned feature innovative, leading-edge technologies; the companies operate on an international scale, offering their customers single-sourced products, solutions and services. The performative excellence of the German machine tool industry has been crucial in shaping the continuingly superlative reputation of the Made in Germany attribute.

The success of the companies concerned is due not least to their highly qualified workforces, the good infrastructure Germany provides for production operations, the dense network of responsively capable vendors, plus discerning customers, with whom new designs are very often developed and trialled, and not least the sophisticated research scene, which makes sure that the machine tools incorporate the very latest advances in the field.

VDW and its members are working tirelessly to make sure that the sector maintains and indeed upgrades its leading status on the international stage. As a member, you can benefit from a strong association to represent you, the shared activities, the empirical feedback and the stimuli channelled from the sector as a whole. Get acquainted with us!


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