

   日期:2024-07-04     浏览:1073    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-01-17 至 2025-01-19
展出城市 奥格斯堡
展出地址 奥格斯堡国际展览中心(Messe Augsburg)
展馆名称 奥格斯堡国际展览中心
主办单位 奥格斯堡展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名

奥格斯堡国际渔猎射击博览会(Jagen und Fischen)是专业的户外活动展览会之一,从1987年德国埃尔丁Erding开始创建,后来移到德国南部慕尼黑举办,组织者是慕尼黑国际博览会公司,从2012年开始移到德国东部奥格斯堡Augsburg,其组织者为奥格斯堡国际展览有限公司,协办者为巴伐利亚狩猎协会、巴伐利亚渔业协会和巴伐利亚射击协会。目前它已经逐渐发展成为欧洲渔猎、射击运动领域规模最大、最重要的专业博览会,2009年4月有来自20多个国家的400多家厂商参加、来自21个国家的超过5万名观众参观了该博览会,展出面积33000多平方米。博览会的展品主要分为四大类:一、狩猎;二、钓鱼、捕鱼;三、射击运动;四、猎犬。展品还包括猎获物工艺品、渔猎服装等。博览会期间还将举办几场有趣的专类表演。





展品范围(Show Products):




展会报告(Show Report):

The new motto ‘Experience nature’ brought all the participants together. JAGEN UND FISCHEN 2024 took place from 12 to 14 January at Messe Augsburg and was a resounding success. The traditional annual kick-off to the trade fair season attracted around 23,000 industry experts, hunters, anglers and nature enthusiasts and offered an extensive program with roughly 300 exhibitors and 20,000 square meters of exhibition space.

The trade fair in Augsburg is one of the largest trade fairs for hunting, fishing and outdoor pursuits, and is the highlight in this sector in southern Germany. The meeting place for hunters, anglers, nature and outdoor enthusiasts was also an international hit: 17 countries were represented among the exhibitors. Visitors from outside Germany, mainly from Austria and Switzerland, also made the journey to visit the trade fair.

JAGEN UND FISCHEN is more than a traditional trade fair - true to its motto “Experience nature”, it’s a place it is a place of discovery, exchanges and a passion for nature. The trade fair focused on the connection between humans and nature, demonstrated the important interaction between hunting, fishing and the environment, and offered some great impressions and unique experiences to young and old alike. Visitors and exhibitors were able to experience this for themselves in three packed exhibition halls over the trade fair weekend. They had the opportunity to discover innovative products and services and to expand their knowledge of the connections between humans and the environment.

The hunting forum covered interesting topics including wolves in local forests and goose management, while the fishing forum facilitated the sharing of knowledge on topics such as crayfish in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg and echo sounder technology. The forest of the future illustrated the complex process of the native forest and its impact on climate change.

The adventure worlds were also impressive. Visitors were able to discover native fish and crabs up close and personal in the fishing adventure world, and children were given the opportunity to obtain a fishing diploma. The hunting adventure world took the theme of hunting as a cultural heritage and enabled visitors to experience the local forest and its animals in a tangible and immediate way. The show kitchens enabled interested visitors to experience ways of preparing game and fish. The full use of the animal was demonstrated, from cutting and filleting to the preparation of delicious dishes to promote awareness of sustainable management.

A number of other events were held in addition to these highlights, including a demonstration of hunting dogs by the Jagdgebrauchshundeverein Augsburg e. V. (Augsburg hunting dog association) with over 50 breeds and dog types and a bird of prey flight show. A new feature this year was the presentation and hands-on making of tree climbing seats by Progressive Jagd (progressive hunting) and hands-on forest activity with logging and emergency rescue in the forest provided by the Sozialversicherung für Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Gartenbau (social insurance for agriculture, forestry and horticulture).

JAGEN UND FISCHEN also emphasizes the importance of partnerships and cooperation. Similar to every year, the Fischereiverband Schwaben (Swabian fishing association) and the district of Swabia worked closely together to make the fishing adventure world such an outstanding event, while the Jägervereinigung Augsburg e. V. (Augsburg hunting association) shared the stage with the Bayerischer Jagdverband e. V. - BJV (Bavarian hunting association). The game show kitchen was jointly organized by the Augsburg hunting association and the Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (AELF), and this year the state fishing associations of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg once again jointly hosted the Süddeutsche Hallenmeisterschaft im Castingsport (Southern Germany indoor casting championships) for the second time as a highlight of the trade fair.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
奥格斯堡国际渔猎射击博览会(Jagen und Fischen)是专业的户外活动展览会之一,从1987年德国埃尔丁Erding开始创建,后来移到德国南部慕尼黑举办,组织者是慕尼黑国际博览会公司,从2012年开始移到德国东部奥格斯堡Augsburg,其组织者为奥格斯堡国际展览有限公司,协办者为巴伐利亚狩猎协会、巴伐利亚渔业协会和巴伐利亚射击协会。


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