

   日期:2024-04-03     浏览:1033    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-04-01 至 2025-04-03
展出城市 迪拜
展出地址 迪拜世界贸易中心(Dubai World Trade Center)
展馆名称 迪拜世界贸易中心
主办单位 迪拜国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


中东迪拜国际公园休闲娱乐设施展览会(DEAL-Dubai Entertainment Amusement & Leisure Show)是中东和北非地区历史最悠久的娱乐与旅游展会。由IEC主办,从1995年开始,一年一届,在迪拜世界贸易中心举行。随着中东特别是迪拜的娱乐休闲产业增长,展会吸引来自中东,非洲,地中海和亚洲等国的成百上千家公司参展,特别是国际上领先的展商在展会上推广他们的产品。在这里,你可以完成数百万美元的交易,了解该产业的最新趋势和创新,分享创新方法思想,提出建议。参加该行业专家举办的关于新趋势和产业未来的专业研讨会。游乐场的世界市场估计高达300多亿美元。全球产业分析在其研究《主题游乐园:全球战略商业报告》中说:“在此期间,中东,亚太地区和拉美已做好准备,见证这前所未有的增长率”。






展品范围(Show Products):

游泳和水疗休闲用品:游泳池建筑师和承包商、家庭技术工程师、规划部门、专业水池建设、游泳池管理、拼装式水池、水池衬里、可拆卸水池、不绣钢水池、预制构件水池、塑料水池、混凝土水池、浴缸、治疗池、便携式水疗、塑料水疗、单独浴缸、按摩和桑拿设备系统、游泳设施、鼓泡系统、覆盖物、楼梯、照明和音响系统、水上景点、高速水滑梯、水下设备、潜水设备、波发生器、自动和手动清洗系统、水中化学物质处理装置、泵和过滤器、桑拿规划和建设、小桑拿屋、木头桑拿(compact wood saunas)、澡堂、水晶桑拿,冷却室、蒸汽浴室、温泉桑拿、热空气房、雪屋、盐穴、试衣间、地板、装饰品、淋浴室、衬里、密封晶格、石材(stones)、空调、窗户、门、框架、照明系统、空气加湿器、干燥器、加热泵、热交换器、测量装置、控制和监管系统、长椅、淋浴室、澡盆、垫子、按摩沙发、活梯和阶梯、栏杆和手扶、水下喷射按摩系统、陶瓷制品、瓷砖和马赛克、露台和园艺工具;


体育、冒险和户外活动用品:体育设施设计、建造和管理、高尔夫球场的设计、培训、设备和配件、体育场设备和配件、马场设计与施工、水球运动器材、深海潜水、冲浪、滑水橇、喷气式滑水、皮艇漂流、泛舟,潜水等设备、山地自行车、自行车及配件、冲沙、跳伞、爬山、远足、徒步旅行和放风筝等设备、台球和台球桌、网球场用品和设备、烧烤用品、帐篷、露营、探险旅游用品、地板和天花板 、影视系统、工程和咨询、培训、客户关系管理和销售终端、事件管理、储物柜和存储系统、卫生和清洁用品、健康和安全、政府机构和社团;

度假村、公园和景点:主题、设计和建设、水上游玩设备和安装、水上公园滑梯、水上公园游乐设施、碰碰船、 防撞护垫、航行水道、浮伐、管道、筏、垫子、水体过滤系统、生波系统、水上游玩方案、健康和安全系统、水上运动设施、泡沫垫、户内户外游玩设备、冒险游戏、攀岩、充气玩具、小型高尔夫、游乐场设备、软体玩具、蹦床、进气系统、游乐设备安全系统、储物柜和橱柜、管理软件、销售终端系统、令牌、制服、户外设备和照明设施、绿化、日常事件管理设备。


展会报告(Show Reports):

Dubai, 11th March 2024 – The Dubai Entertainment Amusement & Leisure (DEAL) show, the Middle East & Africa’s premier event for the amusement industry, proudly concluded its landmark 30th edition. DEAL 2024 has once again proven to be a pivotal platform for innovation and business in the family entertainment centers, theme parks and amusement industries

DEAL 2024 has made history, drawing an overwhelming response with 300 exhibitors from 40 countries converged at the Dubai World Trade Center from March 5 to 7. Furthermore, this year the visitor numbers touched over 10,500 from 112 plus countries. This year's show was a spectacle of innovation, showcasing global advancements in virtual reality, arcades, redemption games, amusement rides, soft toys, inflatables and themed entertainment. As a vibrant B2B platform, DEAL spurred a slew of strategic alliances, launched groundbreaking projects and featured visionary concepts that signify a quantum leap for the entertainment sector.

"DEAL stands as a beacon for the amusement industry in the Middle East and Africa region. This year, we have proudly orchestrated an environment where leaders of the entertainment industry have come together to shape the future of entertainment," stated Abdulrahman Falaknaz, President of International Expo-Consults LLC. "With each edition, our ambition is to eclipse the past, pushing boundaries and championing innovation. DEAL 2024 exemplified this ethos, providing an immersive experience that unveiled the next wave of industry megaprojects."

This year's DEAL was instrumental in propelling the FEC, theme park and amusement sectors within the MEA region. With the Middle East emerging as a new epicenter for top-tier entertainment, DEAL 2024 served as a testament to the region's rise. The event captured the industry’s upward trajectory, fuelled by a spike in immersive entertainment demands, demographic dynamics, rising incomes and progressive investments in infrastructure and tourism.

"The overwhelming turnout and positive feedback from exhibitors and visitors alike underscore DEAL's irreplaceable role in the entertainment sector's growth," added Mr. Falaknaz. "As a catalyst for transformation, DEAL 2024 offered unparalleled opportunities for stakeholders to foster international collaborations, steering the industry toward a flourishing future."

"The burgeoning growth of the MEA's entertainment sectors is unmistakable, supported by substantial investments in spectacular entertainment projects and a thriving tourism sector. DEAL is at the heart of this evolution, reinforcing the region's position as a leading global entertainment hub," Mr. Falaknaz concluded.

With a record number of attendees and new exhibitors, DEAL 2024 set a new benchmark for the industry, affirming its place as the epicenter for international business and innovation in entertainment. As DEAL continues to expand its horizons, it upholds its commitment to being the torchbearer of industry trends, nurturing global partnerships and showcasing the best the world has to offer in the realm of amusement and leisure.

The accompanying Leisure, Entertainment & Attractions (LEA) Conference by MENALAC further underscored the current and future trends driving the FEC and theme park industries in the region. In addition the ‘Safety Day’ conference once again raised awareness about the latest standards and technologies in safety as current regulatory guidelines, inspection and testing updates, and the impact on health, safety and wellness on the first day of the DEAL show.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
中东迪拜国际公园休闲娱乐设施展览会(DEAL-Dubai Entertainment Amusement & Leisure Show)是中东和北非地区历史最悠久的娱乐与旅游展会。由IEC主办,从1995年开始,一年一届,在迪拜世界贸易中心举行。随着中东特别是迪拜的娱乐休闲产业增长,展会吸引来自中东,非洲,地中海和亚洲等国的成百上千家公司参展,特别是国际上领先的展商在展会上推广他们的产品。


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