

   日期:2024-02-10     浏览:1934    状态:状态
展会日期 2026-02-03 至 2026-02-05
展出城市 汉堡
展出地址 汉堡国际展览中心
展馆名称 汉堡国际展览中心
主办单位 汉堡国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
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德国工业制造及金属加工贸易展览会(NORTEC)是德国工业制造和金属加工贸易交易展览会,是德国年度第一个船舶工业制造为主的展览会,从1988年开始举行,两年一届,在汉堡港口城市举行,NORTEC展覆盖了整个生产链,从设计到试制,测试的最终产品。NORTEC 展目标是德国北部地区 - 从行业部门,如机械工程,汽车工程,船舶制造,航空航天,生物医学工程和风能产业的未来,以满足北方区域客户的需求。

在不断变化的生产环境中,NORTEC 2020帮助采取了正确的步骤。 在“未来?跑步!Zukunft? Laeuft!”的座右铭下 从2020年1月21日至24日,在汉堡为450多个国内外参展商以及来自生产行业的12,000多名专业观众开放了自己的大门。 为了确保与技术发展的联系并保持竞争力,特别是对于中小企业(SME),必须参加NORTEC。




•专业的演示 - 为您的产品和服务的热情;

•直接接触 - 符合该部门的决策者,增强客户关系,接触到新的潜在客户;

•有效的销售平台 - 使用NORTEC从准备到结束交易的销售平台;

•有吸引力的配套活动 - 获得新的知识,并加强与业务合作伙伴的关系;

•参展企业展示平台 - 在灵活的NORTEC舞台上展示您的产品;

•婚介服务 - 使用我们的在线服务,提前预约,以满足新的客户;

•完整的销售服务 - 减少你的努力,在规划的展览会上实现;



作为一个行业交易会,NORTEC将为中小企业提供开创性的生产工程。机器和系统的制造商和零售商将与价值链的上游和下游地区的供应商,合同制造商和供应商一起展示。参展商会见经验丰富的贸易参观者,寻找解决其生产挑战的实际方案。在NORTEC,你可以联络: 供应商和车间业务;来自以下行业的企业:车辆制造,医疗设备,航空航天,风能工程,海事工程,机械与系统工程,物流,精密机械与光学工业,包装工业,工具与夹具制造;执行董事和决策者;生产计划员,采购和物流;开发人员:研发部门,工程师,IT专家;未来制造业的驱动力:创业和大学(赫尔穆特·施密特大学)。


展品范围(Show Products):







展会报告(Show Reports):

After four exciting days under the new management of Messe Stuttgart and the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW) (Association of German Machine Tool Manufacturers), NORTEC closed its doors today after achieving remarkable results. Between 23 and 26 January 2024, NORTEC welcomed 4,800 trade visitors to Hall A1 at Messe Hamburg. Lars Reeder, Managing Director of Hein & Oetting Feinwerktechnik GmbH in Ahrensburg, Germany and Chairman of the NORTEC Advisory Board, expressed his joy: "NORTEC is alive – there is a good atmosphere, many sense a positive spirit, and I am very confident that it has the best conditions to establish a firm position in the new trade fair landscape." Dr. Markus Heering, Managing Director of VDW, commented: "We are delighted that we managed to increase the number of visitors compared with the last event. We therefore attained our first objective and laid a good foundation for the new start of the trade fair in 2026,"

Trade visitors satisfied

The visitors were satisfied with the products and services presented by the around 200 exhibitors at NORTEC. More than 86 per cent rated the trade fair in the visitor survey as "Good" to "Very good". This was reflected in the exhibitors' perception. Jens Martin, Technical Consultant in the Clamping Technology Division of the company Schunk Spann- und Greiftechnik in Lauffen am Neckar, commented: "Our brand presentation went down very well, our stand was very busy and we received a great deal of feedback."

59 per cent of trade visitors attended NORTEC for the first time. Three quarters of them said that they would definitely come back again while 87 per cent said that they would recommend the trade fair to other people. More than a quarter of visitors also expected the Trade Fair for Manufacturers to become more important in future. This was also emphasised by Josef Frauscher, Area Sales Manager Germany, Austria and Switzerland at the company Kraiburg Austria GmbH & Co. KG in Geretsberg: "NORTEC is important for us because there is no other trade fair for technically sophisticated products in north Germany."

NORTEC underlines its position as a trade fair in north Germany

NORTEC consolidated its potential for new customer business in north Germany. The vast majority came from a radius of 100 kilometres. "As a first-time exhibitor, we were very pleased," said Lisa Arndt, Sales Manager at the company Powerhouse Solutions GmbH from Plettenberg. "We held fruitful talks and had fantastic discussions with potential customers and multipliers." She also saw business potential: "We are firmly convinced that we will enjoy good sales after the event. And that is due to the contacts we forged here." Oliver Loth, Sales Manager at Citizen Europe GmbH in Esslingen, Germany, added: "As manufacturers of long and short turning machines, we seized the opportunity to once again showcase our presence at NORTEC after a prolonged hiatus. We've had very fruitful discussions, including with new customers." The fact that 78 percent of attendees, according to their own statements, play a decisive, co-decisive, or advisory role in purchasing and procurement decisions within their companies, reinforces expectations for business in the aftermath.

"As a trade fair organiser, we are first and foremost a supplier of services to our customers. We therefore used NORTEC to talk to every exhibitor and ask them about their wishes and ideas for the future of the trade fair. We will intensively analyse the answers in the next few weeks and use them as a basis for deriving and implementing the future concept of the trade fair," concluded Roland Bleinroth, President and CEO of Messe Stuttgart.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
德国工业制造及金属加工贸易展览会(NORTEC)是德国工业制造和金属加工贸易交易展览会,是德国年度第一个船舶工业制造为主的展览会,从1988年开始举行,两年一届,在汉堡港口城市举行,NORTEC展覆盖了整个生产链,从设计到试制,测试的最终产品。NORTEC 展目标是德国北部地区 - 从行业部门,如机械工程,汽车工程,船舶制造,航空航天,生物医学工程和风能产业的未来,以满足北方区域客户的需求。


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