

   日期:2023-12-04     浏览:1022    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-10-02 至 2024-10-04
展出城市 巴塞罗那
展出地址 西班牙巴塞罗那格兰威博览会(Fira Gran Via)
展馆名称 西班牙巴塞罗那格兰威博览会
主办单位 马德里IFEMA国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名

西班牙国际图书展览会(Liber-International Book Fair)是西班牙规模最大的图书类展览会,该展历史悠久,从1951年开始举办,一年一届,在马德里与巴塞罗那轮流举行,该展双数年在巴塞罗那举行,单数年在马德里举行。展会每届确定一个主宾国,在西班牙出版指南联合会的大力推动下,西班牙国际图书展LIBER已经成为西班牙与拉美各国出版界最重要的商业论坛,也是业界专业人士建立联系、发现商机、把握未来图书市场的契机。除了提供展览平台,LIBER图书展更将举办贸易论坛,采用圆桌会议、发布专业论文、小组讨论的方式关注各大热点问题,包括新科技、电子书、教育与阅读现状、物流与分销、私营企业如何管理ISBN(国际标准书号)等。




展品范围(Show Products):


展会报告(Show Report):

The attendance by professionals at The International Book Fair surpassed all expectations, with 9,235 visitors from over fifty countries, meaning a 10% rise from the 2021 Fair held in Madrid. In terms of participation, the event also saw significant growth, attracting 373 companies from 13 countries from the Spanish publishing sector. The next LIBER International Book Fair will be in Barcelona during the first week of October 2024.

Close up of the LIBER pavilion full of visitors

LIBER 2023 closed its doors on a successful Book Fair showing the dynamic growth experienced in the Spanish Publishing industry. The Fair has once again shown its significant role as a leading platform for the book industry to boost the Spanish Publishing industry's representation in global markets. The participating companies expressed overall satisfaction for the interactions and contacts made. However, the actual figures for this year’s Fair surpassed all expectations, regarding both participation and attendance by professionals.

During the three-day event from 4 to 6 October, LIBER welcomed 9,235 industry experts from over fifty nations, resulting in a 10% rise in participation from the 2022 Fair. The Fair set the stage for the latest ideas and innovations in the publishing industry, with 210 organisations exhibiting directly. This figure marks the highest in the past six years and represents growth of nearly 80%. In total, 373 companies from 13 different countries participated in the event.

Daniel Fernández, President of the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds, expressed his contentment: “The results of the latest LIBER Event surpassed expectations regarding business and the interest in the professional conferences. All of this demonstrates the significance of the Fair, which is a pivotal gathering spot for the Spanish book publishing industry. Despite international organisations announcing a decline in global trade, we are confident that LIBER will serve as a catalyst for the publishing industry to regain its position as a thriving exporter of both economic and cultural value, thereby enhancing Spain's brand image and its prestige.”

LIBER 23 Day Events

The LIBER Day Events Programme convened a wide range of participants featuring numerous attendees, more than 80 concurrent sessions with professional and cultural activities as well as prominent experts from the institutional and commercial sectors linked to publishing industry, tackling some of the hottest issues in the sector at present, in conjunction with major publishing houses. In this context, as stated by Daniel Fernández, "the heightened interest in round-table discussions at professional conferences, especially those regarding Artificial Intelligence, demonstrates the sector's apprehension and anticipation surrounding its emergence. It is also the sector's pledge to continue advancing the expansion of eco-friendly practices.”

Organised by IFEMA MADRID and promoted by the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds (FGEE), LIBER 2023 welcomed Poland as its Guest of Honour. The event featured an extensive display by 20 Polish publishing houses and the promotion of prominent Polish authors and publishers to disseminate and promote Polish publishing in Spain.

As with every year, it is important to emphasise the significant institutional backing for LIBER, inaugurated by Minister of Culture and Sport, Miquel Iceta, and supported by the Ministry, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, Community of Madrid, Madrid City Council, Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos (CEDRO), along with the cooperation of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Asociación de Editores de Madrid (Madrid Publishers' Association).

LIBER 2023 Awards

In the afternoon of Thursday 5 October, the customary LIBER 2023 Awards ceremony took place and led by the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds to honour distinguished personalities and institutions associated with the book industry. The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Héctor Gómez chaired the event, which was attended by various officials including the Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida; the Deputy Councillor of Culture, Tourism and Sport for the Community of Madrid, Daniel Martínez; the Delegate of the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sport for Madrid City Council, Marta Rivera; the President of CEDRO, Carme Riera, and other representative from authoritative bodies. Representatives from the book industry, FGEE, and IFEMA Madrid were also present.

This year's winners were Casa del Libro; the network of Madrid City Council Libraries; and the television adaptation of Almudena Grandes' novel Los pacientes del doctor García, featured in the supplement La Lectura of El Mundo newpaper. Journalist and writer Elvira Lindo and Joaquín Sabaté, the founder of Ediciones Urano, were also award winners.

The next LIBER International Book Fair is scheduled to take place in the first week of October 2024 in Barcelona.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
西班牙国际图书展览会(Liber-International Book Fair)是西班牙规模最大的图书类展览会,该展历史悠久,从1951年开始举办,一年一届,在马德里与巴塞罗那轮流举行,该展双数年在巴塞罗那举行,单数年在马德里举行。展会每届确定一个主宾国,在西班牙出版指南联合会的大力推动下,西班牙国际图书展LIBER已经成为西班牙与拉美各国出版界最重要的商业论坛,也是业界专业人士建立联系、发现商机、把握未来图书市场的契机。


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