

   日期:2023-10-15     浏览:5780    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-09-03 至 2024-09-05
展出城市 科隆
展出地址 科隆国际展览中心
展馆名称 科隆国际展览中心
主办单位 科隆国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
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德国科隆国际促销产品贸易博览会(IAW)是德国最重要的促销和流行趋势产品的订货会,从2005年开始举行,一年两届,分春秋两季举行(每年3月及9月举行)。其涉及产品多种多样,是德国及欧洲顶级采购人员的行业展示之窗。在科隆举行,欧洲的大部分用于宣传和引领潮流的主导产品订单将会发生,很快成为来自德国和整个欧洲的顶级买家的选择。它成功地让参展商和游客人数持续增长。它像一个零售贸易峰会,完整范围的事实,可以找到地图,和秩序- 零售和主题促销产品。 大厅占地22.000平方米,200多名来自许多国家和进口参展商将举办一个优秀的展示。




1. 国际性强 来自27个国家的200个展商和6000名专业观众会聚于这个盛大集市;

2. 品种繁多 展出各个商业领域产品,展览面积24000平方米;

3. 专业性强 有6000名专业观众参加,其中为德国和欧洲的各个商业连锁店的采购人员;

4. 展览地点好 国际促销产品展(IAW)在欧洲最富有活力的经济中心地带举办,商业实力雄厚的比利时、荷兰和卢森堡三国近在咫尺;


5. 高值展位 展位租金十分优惠,行列展台每平方米85.50欧元起〔早预定者有打折优惠〕;

6. 媒体效应好 有众多媒体在场,为展览产品提供最佳媒体宣传效果。最大的电视台和专业媒体将伴随展会;

7. 个性化服务 提供个性化量身定制广告服务:例如免费商业客户入场券、邀请卡、网页在线图片广告或产品目录免费广告;

8. 高附加值 免费参加具有强媒体效应的产品竞赛,即IAW产品大奖赛;

9. 商业实用信息 IAW 流行趋势论坛在展会期间将每天免费提供各种商业实用信息;

10. 额外服务提供各种额外服务:免费展会饮食、折价火车票和酒店客房、免费入场券等。


展品范围(Show Products):



展会报告(Show Reports):

More exhibitors, top visitor numbers, more great ideas: IAW celebrates a highly successful autumn trade show

The multi-channel platform in Cologne attracts 5,000 purchasers from 66 countries

Despite inflation: promotional goods provide retailers with healthy sales and margins

In focus: forward-looking topics such as AI, e-commerce and new sourcing strategies

The 35th International Trade Fair for Retail Promotions and imports (IAW) in Cologne has concluded with top visitor numbers. Almost 5,000 purchasers from around 66 countries highlighted the international character of this multi-channel platform, and provided the exhibitors with strong sales. With 290 suppliers (four per cent more than in spring 2023) from 24 countries, the 30,000 m² of exhibition halls 6 and 9 were well-booked. Fresh product ideas for the coming season and the upcoming Christmas trade were also contributed by the 65 first-time exhibitors, including companies from Belgium, France, Italy, Poland and Turkey.

„This impressive response in spite of today‘s persistently difficult economic situation proves that as a multi-channel marketplace, the fair always offers exactly what the retail trade is looking for at any time,“ sums up IAW project manager Kerstin Manke. At present, in view of persistently high price levels the focus is very much on promotional products for cost-conscious consumers looking for bargains, as a survey by the Cologne Institute for Retail Research (IFH) has shown.

Attractive offers and special prices

The IAW fair also offered space for interesting niche products, which gave purchasers the opportunity to expand their range with new and more profitable product ideas. They were quick to take advantage of the many opportunities to secure exclusive offers and special prices, to expand their network and to make valuable business contacts. Functional Design, for example, attracted great interest with its unique plant tower for balconies and terraces, while Vertical Garden XL enhances gardening at home with its five planting levels and contributes to the effective greening of city centres – and of conservatories during the cold season.

New horizons opened up

The attractive supporting programme at the congress level offered ample opportunities for effective networking and provided insights into the future of retail, both bricks and mortar and online. Programme organiser Stefan Grimm is enthusiastic: „It‘s no longer about the relative importance of ecommerce and market places, but about ways in which SMEs can excel in retailing and how individual tools as well as artificial intelligence can help. In the E-Commerce Arena subjects like AI and business tips for maximising profits on platforms like Amazon and eBay were covered extensively, together with sourcing strategies aimed at boosting sales. For example, in his keynote speech at the opening of the E-Commerce Arena Joubin Rahimi, CEO of the digital agency synaigy, advised his audience to take full advantage of the fast and efficient availability of information: „ChatGPT makes it possible to ask complex questions and get detailed answers without having to spend hours researching. This opens up new horizons in knowledge acquisition and problem solving.“


Speaker and exhibitor Michael Frontzek, managing partner of the e-commerce agency MiToU, summed up the event as follows: „As always, the IAW trade show with its great presentations was well worth a visit. In addition, I was once again able to engage in lots of stimulating conversations and meet both old and new acquaintances.“

Everything more than satisfactory

„With its ‚Best Deals in Retail‘ slogan the 35th IAW accurately reflected the requirements of its cliente – le,“ organiser Ulrich Zimmermann points out. „Today‘s persistently high inflation is driving consumers to shop for bargains, so purchasers found exactly the right promotional products at the fair. These enable retailers to achieve good sales even in times of general reluctance to spend. The fact that the IAW focuses on European wholesalers and importers reduces delivery distances and procurement costs. This also keeps profit margins on the positive side of the ledger.“

The date for the upcoming spring edition of the IAW has already been set: it will be taking place in Cologne‘s exhibition halls 6 and 7 from 4 to 6 March 2024, International Hardware Fair from 3 to 6 March 2024. As a result, exhibitors and visitors alike will be offered unique synergies that will make a visit to both fairs especially productive.


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