

   日期:2023-08-11     浏览:2429    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-03-30 至 2025-04-03
展出城市 旧金山
展出地址 旧金山莫斯克尼展览中心(Moscone Center | San Francisco, CA)
展馆名称 旧金山莫斯克尼展览中心
主办单位 电气和电子工程师协会
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


美国圣地亚哥国际光纤通讯展览会及研讨会(OFC / NFOEC -The Optical Networking and Communication Conference Exhibition) 是美 国最大的最专业的国际光纤通讯技术贸易展览及暨研讨会议,是光通信和网络专业人士最大的全球会议和展览会,该展从1975年开始,一年一 届,在美国各重要城市轮流举行,主要在旧金山、圣地亚哥、洛杉矶及阿纳海姆举行,会议五天,展览三天。经过几十年的发展,OFC 已被公认为光通信领域中全球规 格最高、规模最大、历史最悠久、专业性最强、影响力最大的国际性研讨会和展览会,成功吸引了来自世界各地的光通讯领域专家和群众前来 参观交流,参会人员在繁花似锦的展会中,建立彼此联系,分享最新技术与最前沿的商业模式。


美国光纤通讯展览会及研讨会(Optical Fiber Communication Conference & Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference) 是由美国光学学会(OSA)、美国通信学会 (IEEE/ComSoc)、美国激光与光电协会(IEEE/LEOS) 联合组办。 OFC是全球光电光通讯 展览中最重要的活动。OFC为你提供关键的光纤技术解决方案,您的营销网络需要一个高价值的专业展览会。


OFC展览主题:云计算和数据中心网络;空间分复用;100 g400g网络设计和优化;1 tb和超越光学网络;波长敏捷接入网络;灵活的网格 网络;虚拟化和软件定义网络(sdn) ;硅光子/集成光子学技术;光学相干检波收敛和无线。OFC参观的群体类型包括:学术界,运营商/服务 提供商,组件/设备制造商,内容提供商,合同制造商,数据中心操作员,企业/私有云,光纤和电缆供应商,政府机构/政府承包商,投资/风 险投资,系统/网络设备制造商,测试设备制造商。


OFC展览及会议规模:超过1.3万名光通讯专家与观众参观OFC,来自60多个国家及地区的600多家企业参展,大会上超过1000多新产品发布 ,在展会现场,大家将可以看到先进的数据中心高速器件与光纤产品,下一代光网络对5G和IOT的推动,光电子系统制造封装新工艺,Tb/s速 率网络下的复用、传输与开关技术,SDN/NFV新网络架构与应用,云级规模网络的开放软硬件平台,光学无线通信及可见光通信进展,还有数 据通信与电信领域硅光子技术的最新动态。


展品范围(Show Products):

光纤网络的应用和服务;网络技术和应用;Fttx技术、开发和应用;光纤和光学传播效应;光纤和波导的基础设备:放大器、激 光器、传感器、和性能监视器;光学设备开关、过滤和互联;光电器件;数字传输系统;传输子系统和网络元素;光学处理和模拟子系统;核 心网;接入网;数据通讯和计算机通信中的光网络。


展会报告(Show Reports):

OFC, the premier global event for optical communications and networking, attracts attendees from around the globe to a conference and exhibition that showcases the latest industry advancements.

In 2024, OFC expects to welcome over 13,000 participants from 70 countries, 80 media outlets and have over 540 exhibiting companies in its exhibition halls. This global event serves as the platform for start-ups to make their debut and industry leaders to set the pace for what's to come. Event organizers provide a compelling series of exciting programs and events covering the entire ecosystem with a focus on inclusivity.

One of OFC’s highlights is the live interoperability demonstrations from leading optics companies running over OFCnet. Another is the Plenary Session with inspiring talks by three leading executives who share insights into how technology is transforming our industry and reshaping the world.

“The optical sector is currently in an exciting period,” said Woo Jin Ho, Analyst - Hardware and Communications Equipment, Bloomberg Intelligence in regard to OFC 2023. “Companies continue to introduce and launch new innovations at OFC, such as 1.2T and 1.6T coherent optics and Co-Packaged Optics. But it was really refreshing to hear the ramp up and monetization of the innovations that were introduced at OFC two, three years ago.” The Exhibition Hall Dazzles with the Industry's Finest


OFC is where the optical communications industry comes to unveil new products, showcase innovation and reconnect with its customers.

“OFC is the place to get a first-hand look at the technologies and applications that will power the future of optical networking,” said Steve Alexander, CTO at Ciena, co-sponsor of OFCnet, and chair of OFC Long Range Planning. “Many innovations are happening in coherent technology, software, and automation—including our WaveLogic 6, the industry’s first 1.6Tb/s coherent optic solution—and the conference affords attendees the opportunity to get up close in person with the advances that are pushing the envelope in these areas.”

Product announcements and company launches take center stage at OFC. The exhibition has long been a showcase for entrepreneurs focused on transforming markets. A multitude of new companies introduce innovative technologies and leveraging OFC to speed their market adoption.

“We are seeing significant year-over-year growth in the PON equipment market, which approaches $20bn in 2028,” said Julie Kunstler, Chief Analyst, Omdia. “Key PON ecosystem players, encompassing subcomponent, component and solution vendors, along with service providers, are here at OFC. PON innovation is around us, providing more bandwidth at lower-cost points, while ensuring backwards compatibility to earlier generations of this fiber and optics-efficient technology.” OFCnet Connects Industry with Research and Education

OFC’s live high-speed optical network enabled booth-to-booth fiber connectivity for on-site optical demonstrations while also extending CENIC, the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California, to the OFC exhibition. Technology solutions provider, SmartCity, provided the on-site support in the San Diego Convention Center for exhibitor connectivity. This connectivity is providing new opportunities for exhibitors who collaborate with affiliated academic institutions to highlight advancements and capabilities in a live real-time, fully operational network environment. In 2024, we expect to have over 25 live demonstrations where organizations come together to support large-scale optical networking.

2025, 30 March - 03 April San Francisco, California, USA.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
美国圣地亚哥国际光纤通讯展览会及研讨会(OFC / NFOEC -The Optical Networking and Communication Conference Exhibition) 是美 国最大的最专业的国际光纤通讯技术贸易展览及暨研讨会议,是光通信和网络专业人士最大的全球会议和展览会,该展从1975年开始,一年一 届,在美国各重要城市轮流举行,主要在旧金山、圣地亚哥、洛杉矶及阿纳海姆举行,会议五天,展览三天。


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