

   日期:2023-01-11     浏览:5117    状态:状态
展会日期 2023-09-13 至 2023-09-16
展出城市 杜塞尔多夫
展出地址 杜塞尔多夫国际展览中心
展馆名称 杜塞尔多夫国际展览中心
主办单位 杜塞尔多夫国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)




该展有残疾人、慢性病患者和相关贸易人士参观,每届展会上来自全球各地相关人士参加,突显该展览会在全球的专业地位。在展览会期间,观众可以了解来自于各个国家参展商的最新产品,收集残疾人用品和康复科研成果及信息,并与来自世界各 地的专家交流,REHACARE是最权威的残疾人盛会。


紧凑有序的REHACARE 所有有关护理和康复的技术、设备齐集杜塞尔多夫展馆,科学的产品分区、便捷的查询服务、完整的行业信息和货比三家的购买机会使REHACARE在行业内享有盛誉。在此,调查显示有49%的现场观众对残疾人车或轮椅感兴趣;48%的观众对日常用品感兴趣。

革新的REHACARE 为迎合不断变化的市场需求,REHACARE展览会的时间安排也作了相应调整,从2000年开始由每两年一届变为一年一次。如今,参展公司得以每年在此展示最新的产品,了解市场回馈。REHACARE是引领趋势的先驱,是残疾人用品及康复领域的晴雨表。


丰富的REHACARE 新开放的六号馆将会展示特殊车辆设备与改装车辆,以及行内领先的康复辅助设备制造商。儿童特殊需要是上届展会的一个 重点。运动、旅游中心作为每届REHACARER的重要活动,又将吸引无数参展商和观众的注意力。此外,主题为“欧共体残疾人论坛”、“残疾人与互联 网”、“儿童特殊教育”和“残疾儿童进入普通学校”的多个专业论坛也将与展览会同期召开,共同探讨残疾人就业、人权、社会参与等问题。

最佳的环境和周到的服务 德国杜塞尔多夫市座落于欧洲心脏地带,是欧洲最大的鲁尔工业区的经济与行政中心,是北威州的首府,同时以艺术与时尚闻名于世。REHACARE举办的地址,位于该市中心的杜塞尔多夫展览馆,是国际上设施最现代、服务最完善、规模最宏大的展馆之一。杜市交通便利,从周边城市如伦敦、巴黎、布鲁塞尔等至该市飞行时间约为一小时。完善而高效率的杜市国际机场将会给来往于该市的空中旅客带来方便与舒适。另 外,通往杜市的陆路交通也十分发达,公路及铁路将带领您浏览莱茵河流域至科隆、波恩、法兰克福沿途风光,走遍莱茵谷地区。


展品范围(Show Products):



展会报告(Show Reports):

Innovative, emotional and eventful: REHACARE, the world’s biggest trade fair for rehabilitation and care, has impressively demonstrated with many innovations to touch and try out plus numerous activities in the exhibition halls what the care & rehab growth market have to offer for self-determined living. From 14 – 17 September 2022, 35,000 visitors gathered information on the latest everyday aids and solutions for every disability and every area of life. The focal points at REHACARE 2022 included technical aids for children, accessible refitting possibilities for cars and other mobility aids as well as – for the first time – exoskeletons for professional rehabilitation at the Theme Park „Menschen und Beruf“ (People and Professions). Highlights of the programme of supporting events included current topics such as Long COVID or Digitalisation / Participation 4.0.

Experiencing inclusion, networking, testing everyday aids at leisure – this is what the REHACARE community has long awaited, for three years. The affected target group is large: in late 2021 there were about 7.8 million severely disabled people in Germany according to information by the German Federal Statistical Office – this is almost one in ten. More than 4.1 million people were in need of nursing care in late 2019 according to nursing statistics. Of these approximately 3.3 million were cared for at home. The 691 exhibiting companies from 38 countries, associations, self-help groups and Messe Düsseldorf delighted in the enormous interest shown at the exhibition stands and expert forums. “REHACARE is back again at last” could be heard everywhere in Halls 4 to 7. 

“With outstanding innovations presented by exhibitors, a packed line-up of products and exciting lectures right from the industry, the world’s largest trade fair for rehabilitation and care celebrated its comeback as a leading showcase. Activities centred above all on personal conversations and the active exchange among people with and without disabilities, both when experiencing the exhibits and at the Sport Center. REHACARE is close to people. The core of the trade fair is the live experience and its lived and breathed principles of inclusion,” sums up Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf.


Despite the tricky economic environment, all the top brands such as Dietz, Kadomo, Meyra, Ottobock, Sunrise and thyssenkrupp were represented at REHACARE 2022 alongside many medium-sized companies. In terms of international spread, the REHACARE range of products and services also scored points with an increased proportion of visitors from abroad. Trade fair visitors came from over 80 countries.

High demand for counselling among affected persons and relatives
The need for counselling was high among many affected persons and their relatives. Self-help groups and social associations were on hand to offer advice and support during the four days of the trade fair. In addition to the use of exo-skeletons in rehabilitation, the topic of Participation 4.0 and how to make digitalisation in the working world barrier-free were much discussed. Dr. Martin Danner, Managing Director of the Federal Association for Self-Help (BAG SELBSTHILFE) was pleased about the numerous discussions held at the stand. His summary: “This was a successful new start for REHACARE. The self-help groups, in particular, were very happy about the exchange opportunities that the trade fair offers as an information and dialogue platform. Despite digital formats, the counselling options during the pandemic were severely limited for many. I was very impressed by the innovations presented at REHACARE. The fact that these can now overcome almost all barriers is once again changing the debate around accessibility decisively”.  

Excellent mood in the exhibition halls
There was also great satisfaction among the exhibitors at REHACARE:

“REHACARE had a special significance for Ottobock this year,” said Philipp Hoefer, Managing Director Sales & Marketing DACH of Ottobock HealthCare Deutschland GmbH. “We presented our NeuroMobility concept here for the first time. The holistic care of patients with neurological conditions is the topic of the future for the industry. The interest taken in corresponding aids was enormous, and response to our new Exopulse Mollii Suit was particularly enthusiastic. The personal exchange with visitors at the stand is always inspiring for me and our team – finally this was possible again at REHACARE”.

Udo Späker, Marketing and Distribution, Mobilitätsmanufaktur KADOMO GmbH:

“We are pleased that REHACARE is back so successfully. For us at KADOMO I can already now say that participation is a resounding success.”

“We were extremely happy to be here. Our stand was almost overrun after such a long time. It was definitely the right decision to register so early,” said Stefan Schäfer, Managing Director / Managing Director Sales & Marketing DACH of MEYRA, summing up.

Meeting point for children, the community and celebrities
Prominent guests also paid a visit to exhibitors at REHACARE. North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Karl-Josef Laumann, took a tour of the trade fair to see for himself the innovative strength of the companies and, together with Claudia Middendorf, the State Commissioner for the Disabled and Patients, welcomed the guests to the “NRW Treff” at North-Rhine Westphalia’s stand in Hall 6. At this NRW stand, visitors were able to find out about such topics as barrier-free and addiction-free living, self-determined living and inclusive working. In addition, experts were available to answer questions about the spa offers for caring relatives or the compatibility of work and care. Another guest at REHACARE was Dr. Rolf Schmachtenberg, Permanent State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

The multiple Olympic champion and exceptional athlete Kristina Vogel was present at the stand of trivida P+L Innovations and was similarly impressed by the trade fair: “In Germany, around 1/10 of the population has a disability. The world out there is far from barrier-free and therefore people with a disability or with a need for care require appropriate aids. At a trade fair like REHACARE, people can get information and, above all, try out products. That’s why it’s so important as a platform and makes a decisive contribution to participation and inclusion.”

The lecture programme at the PRODUCTS & NEWS @ REHACARE forum was enhanced by the inclusion activist Raúl Krauthausen with his lecture “It all depends on the encounter” explaining why encounters are more important than education.

Diverse programme promotes know-how and exchange of ideas
The TREFFPUNKT REHACARE in Hall 6 was the heart of the event as a central platform for information, meetings and exchange of experiences. Trend topics included long COVID, digitalisation, participation in working life and technical assistance. The PRODUCTS & NEWS @ REHACARE forum, which brought innovations from the stands onto the stage, was also very successful. Many visitors took advantage of the programme to deepen the impressions and information gained during their tour of the trade fair.

Action galore at the Sport Center
Join in and try out was the motto at the Sport Center in Hall 7a. Over the four trade fair days people with and without disabilities experienced the diverse possibilities of inclusive sports. Lars Wiesel-Bauer, General Manager of the Disability and Rehabilitation Sports Association North Rhine-Westphalia (BRSNW e.V.): “After the Covid pandemic it is really a beautiful feeling to finally be at REHACARE again. Almost like a family get-together. The enthusiasm and joy visitors felt when seeing that you can practice the most popular sports despite a disability, has really overwhelmed us. Likewise, the new, open-plan sports square concept has truly proven its worth.”

The 46th REHACARE will be held in Düsseldorf from 13 September to 16 September 2023.


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