美国拉斯维加斯国际舞台灯光音响技术与设计展览会(Live Design International - LDI)是北美最专业的舞台灯光音响设计及技术贸易展,也是全球最领先的灯光音响技术展览会之一,该展由Penton主办,从1988年开始举办,一年一届,在拉斯维加斯会议中心举行,LDI一直是来自全球各地现场设计专业人士的主要展会和会议。LDI拥有超过13,000名与会者在剧院、音乐会、俱乐部、主题公园和礼拜堂以及广泛的国际直播和广播场所工作的专业人士。来自80多个国家的参加者来到LDI观赏最新的舞台装备,刷新他们的知识,并补充他们的创造力。
LDI SHOW 与英国灯光音响展(PLASA SHOW)倾力合作,旨在娱乐技术行业界搭建起连接欧洲与北美之间的重要桥梁。同时举办年度创新产品发布会,吸引了众多知名厂商,也为LDI 展会宣传造势。LDI SHOW向全世界的参展企业与观众展示全球最棒的专业产品、资源与市场的最优组合。
美国LDI 国际灯光音响技术展览会同时得到了美国娱乐服务与技术协会(ESTA, Entertainment Service and Technology Association)的大力支持。该协会拥有美国专业灯光音响行业数量最多的会员,这些会员的产品与服务几乎占尽了该行业的整个市场。所以,要想进入美国的灯光音响市场,LDI SHOW 将是你选择的最佳桥梁。
LDI 展是美国本土舞台灯光及音响方面最为专业最具影响力的展会,辐射北美加拿大,南美墨西哥、阿根廷等地。为期三天的展会,从展商们洋溢着笑容的脸上看出收获颇丰,50%以上的展商扩大并且预定了明年的展位。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Building on a 30-plus year history as the essential trade show and conference for live design professionals from around the globe, LDI® is excited to debut its new logo: a symbol of reverberation, evoking inspiration and fun that only the experience of live events can provide. The fresh new look features bold colors that exemplify LDI and the many elements of entertainment technology: audio, lighting, projection, video, staging, special effects, and XR.
Our vision is to stimulate cutting-edge innovation, be a community for valuable collaboration, and create opportunities for all the present and future live event professionals. Together we lead an exciting path forward and build something special at this turning point in LDI history.
The LDI Exhibit Hall lets you experience the latest gear including lighting, projection/video, audio, special effects, staging, trussing, rigging, automation/software, and soft goods from hundreds of leading industry suppliers, distributors and brands exhibiting, with live demos and face-to-face discussions about the cutting-edge gear.
We are so excited to provide even more networking, more technology, and more inspiration for a bigger experience for LDI 2024! The two events will co-locate to offer shared experiences while maintaining separate exhibit and conference spaces. The future of visual display solutions, entertainment production technology, and experiential events intersect here, with hundreds of exhibitors and expected 14,000-plus attendees.