法国巴黎国际数据中心技术及设备展览会(Data Centre World Paris)是国际上最专业的以数据中心或机房设备及技术为主的贸易展览会议,一年一届,与其它IT技术展览会同期在巴黎凡尔赛门展览中心举行,并有系列研讨会,媒 体热点和新产品发布会,云技术领域的会议,参与者来自广大专业人士及中小企业的采购方。Cloud & Cyber Security Expo展与Data Centre World展同时在伦敦、马德里、巴黎及法兰克福举行,以及亚洲等地开始举行IT技术展。
Data Centre World与会者包括:首席信息和技术干事,IT总监,数据中心经理,数据中心设施经理和工程师,信息技术和基础设施经理,操作董事,网络管理,网络、综合布线和通信工程师和集成师,存储策划师,资产管理,系统管理,系统安全管理,企业管理者;CEO / MD/董事长/合作伙伴/业主,财务总监,项目经理,采购经理/企业买家,设施/物业总监/经理,建筑,设计/建造顾问,安全经理/总监。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
The way in which we construct and work with data centres is in constant evolution. It is essential that we’re able to adapt to the increasing digitalisation of the economy and that we can meet the world’s needs. Data centres are the cornerstones of our digital economy and Data Centre World Paris will give you the guidance, inspiration, and knowledge you need to navigate the latest technologies and evaluate how they meet the needs of today’s market.
At Data Centre World Paris, you will find a plethora of tools at your fingertips to help you optimise your data centre and anticipate its evolution. Join the largest trade show in France dedicated to the industry, meet the sector’s expert suppliers and discover the latest innovations.
Case studies, panel discussions and specialist presentations will be on offer to help you develop your infrastructure and meet the challenges of tomorrow. Make the most of this opportunity to network with your peers and be inspired by our renowned experts and speakers.
We look forward to welcoming you on the 5th & 6th of November 2025 in Paris, Porte de Versaille – Hall 7.
Secure your place now for the next edition of Data Centre World Paris and receive all the latest news on our exhibition by registering.