

   日期:2024-04-04     浏览:695    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-03-03 至 2025-03-05
展出城市 科隆
展出地址 科隆国际展览中心
展馆名称 科隆国际展览中心
主办单位 科隆国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


德国科隆国际促销产品贸易博览会(IAW)是德国最重要的促销和流行趋势产品的订货会,从2005年开始举行,一年两届,分春秋两季举行(每年3月及9月举行)。其涉及产品多种多样,是德国及欧洲顶级采购人员的行业展示之窗。在科隆举行,欧洲的大部分用于宣传和引领潮流的主导产品订单将会发生,很快成为来自德国和整个欧洲的顶级买家的选择。它成功地让参展商和游客人数持续增长。它像一个零售贸易峰会,完整范围的事实,可以找到地图,和秩序 - 零售和主题促销产品。 大厅占地22.000平方米,200多名来自许多国家和进口参展商将举办一个优秀的展示。


观众目标群体:大型日用品超市、低价位市场、连锁超市、采购组织、邮寄销售商,小型零售商、家具及建材超市的采购人员。此外IAW展会现在首次推出免费在线展位。如预定展位面积达到30平方米,每个展商可在zentrada.network 获得专享互联网在线展示厅,该网站是德国和欧洲首要消费品采购及商业网络。这样您可最佳地提供您参展产品信息。您可最多提供75种产品,包括价格。这些产品自报名参展起直至展会后四个星期将在上述网络展出。这就是当今的销售方式。


1. 国际性强 来自27个国家的200个展商和6000名专业观众会聚于这个盛大集市;

2. 品种繁多 展出各个商业领域产品,展览面积24000平方米;

3. 专业性强 有6000名专业观众参加,其中为德国和欧洲的各个商业连锁店的采购人员;

4. 展览地点好 国际促销产品展(IAW)在欧洲最富有活力的经济中心地带举办,商业实力雄厚的比利时、荷兰和卢森堡三国近在咫尺;


5. 高值展位 展位租金十分优惠,行列展台每平方米85.50欧元起〔早预定者有打折优惠〕;

6. 媒体效应好 有众多媒体在场,为展览产品提供最佳媒体宣传效果。最大的电视台和专业媒体将伴随展会;

7. 个性化服务 提供个性化量身定制广告服务:例如免费商业客户入场券、邀请卡、网页在线图片广告或产品目录免费广告;

8. 高附加值 免费参加具有强媒体效应的产品竞赛,即IAW产品大奖赛;

9. 商业实用信息 IAW 流行趋势论坛在展会期间将每天免费提供各种商业实用信息;

10. 额外服务提供各种额外服务:免费展会饮食、折价火车票和酒店客房、免费入场券等。


展品范围(Show Products):



展会报告(Show Reports):

The 36th International Trade Fair for Retail Promotions and imports (IAW) came to highly successful conclusion after three days full of lively discussions, exciting programme highlights and a wide range of products presented by 285 exhibitors from 26 countries, including 50 fi rst-time exhibitors from 16 countries.

„Although the consumer climate in Germany is creating a diffi cult environment for retailers, we still see very good future opportunities for our sector, which offers products that really meet the needs of many consumers on a tight budget,“ reports Project Manager Kerstin Manke.

The goods presented by the exhibitors to business customers were of the usual high quality. The products on show were just as diverse: from springtime offers and garden furniture to seasonal and fan merchandise, toys, confectionery and home accessories, visitors were treated to a wide range of
products from companies with international operations.

„The entire retail spectrum is always presented at the IAW Fair, and buyers receive lots of inspiration here,“ says organiser Ulrich Zimmermann. The event is characterised by affordable prices and the favourable terms that purchasers receive from the retailers on site. „Of course, the goods on special offer are particularly attractive,“ adds the organiser.

Overall the comments on the event from exhibitors had a positive ring. „The trade fair is going very well, Monday in particular was a good day,“ sums up Oliver Reichstein, Sales Manager at TopTen. In addition to the existing customers who traditionally attend the trade fair, contacts are regularly made with new faces. And the international mix of visitors also delighted the exhibitors: „We have a lot of customers here from all over Europe,“ reports for example Erwin Verhaert, Account Manager at Top Brands from the Netherlands.

With around 5,400 visitors a slight increase in footfall was recorded, even though visitor travel was affected by factors including the current high hotel prices in the Cologne trade fair area and strikes by transport operators, which disrupted many travel plans. On the positive side, a number of product categories benefi ted from synergies with the hardware trade fair taking place at the same time. The duration of the event was again perceived as favourable: „Three days is the perfect length for a trade show,“ emphasises Frank Werm, Managing Director of OSMA Werm GmbH, which has been taking part in the IAW Fair for many years now.

The increasing relevance of this trade fair as a sourcing platform for online retailing was evident everywhere at the IAW, with many suppliers intensively involved in digital business operations. As Account Manager Ahmet Türke from HATEX Group reports, many of the customers present are increasingly focussing on online trading.

This topic was also the focus of another highlight of the IAW trade fair: the E-Commerce Arena, which took place for the 18th time. Twenty-six top speakers from the industry took to the stage in the centre of the E-Commerce Quarter to talk about their experiences in online retailing. „This trade show was very much about Amazon and artificial intelligence,“ says Stefan Grimm, organiser of the E-Commerce Arena and co-founder of RESTPOSTEN.de and grosshandel.eu. The organisers believe it is important to impart the skills required to deal with the complexity and fast pace of developments on the market.

One of the highlights of this year‘s Arena was the well-attended presentation by Florian Arndt, CEO of the film agency Sons of Motion Pictures from Leipzig. Florian Arndt uses artificial intelligence in all areas of film production and has already won numerous awards for his work. In his keynote speech, accompanied by apple pie and confetti, he impressed the audience with his experiences involving AI tools, film production and the opportunities that digital change is opening up for the retail sector. According to Stefan Grimm, the topics of Amazon and AI are now key and have become an integral part of the retail business. Looking ahead, he predicts that discussion of subjects such as market conformity, product development and internationalisation will become increasingly important for the future of the sector.

Kai Lindemann also inspired his audience with fascinating reports on everyday business life. The founder and CEO of electronics wholesaler kalitec talked about the initial diffi culties his company faced, his successful and early entry into online retailing and the opportunities offered by present-day tools. „It has never been as easy to start up as it is now,“ says Lindemann. But if you want to be successful in business, you have to learn to keep up with the times and always stay one step ahead of the competition.

The 36th IAW Trade Fair was characterised by valuable contacts and successful sales talks. With its thematic focus and enjoyable atmosphere, the fair was a memorable experience for trade visitors and exhibitors from all over the world. The next IAW Trade Fair will take place in Halls 6 and 9 from 3 to 5 September 2024.


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