

   日期:2023-12-25     浏览:3554    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-11-19 至 2024-11-21
展出城市 巴塞罗那
展出地址 巴塞罗那国际展览中心(Fira Barcelona)
展馆名称 巴塞罗那国际展览中心
主办单位 英国励展博览集团有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名

西班牙巴塞罗那国际商务会议及奖励展览会(IBTM World)是开展国际商务会议、奖励活动、商务旅游活动等策划及解决方案专业展览会,是全球领先的商务活动、会议、奖励和旅游行业盛会,每年一届,在巴塞罗那举行。我们的活动有一个目标;激发活动世界为他们的客户提供卓越的体验。

我们将全球会议行业聚集在一起,每个人都有一个共同的目标——结识合适的人,为他们的组织创造更好的业务成果。 与合适的人建立面对面的联系,获得关键的行业洞察力,当然,在三天内参与无与伦比的社交机会。


加入我们的 IBTM World 将有 3,000 多个令人兴奋的目的地和优质供应商随时准备与来自全球 100 多个国家的 15,000 多名行业专业人士会面并建立联系。

西班牙巴塞罗那商务及会奖旅游展览会(IBTM WORLD)是全球领先的会议和活动行业,我们希望激励世界各地的活动提供非凡的体验。IBTM World一直在为全球社区提供您为客户创建世界级活动所需的灵感、业务联系和内容。

西班牙巴塞罗那商务及会奖旅游展览会(IBTM WORLD)由英国励展集团公司主办的欧洲地区规模最大、规格最高的商务会议和奖励旅游专业展会之一。来自知名企业的差旅、采购和财务负责人参与到此次活动中,对企业所关注的差旅热点和痛点话题进行了深入探讨和分享,产生了热烈的反响。


展品范围(Show Products):

替代场地,景点与娱乐,餐饮服务,会议/会议场地,邮轮公司,目的地管理, 活动制作, 活动服务, 游戏/运动场馆, 酒店, 住宿/酒店预订, MICE/商务旅行协会, 专业会议组织, 度假村和水疗中心, 餐厅场地, 服务式公寓/扩展, 特别兴趣之旅, 技术/应用程序提供商, 交通/旅行。

展会报告(Show Reports):

30 November 2023: IBTM World 2023 has enjoyed its most successful show yet. With over 132,000 connections made and a significantly higher adoption of the show’s sophisticated lead scanning technology, the 2023 edition has cemented the show’s credentials as the meetings and events industry’s leading smart event.

The show opened its doors to 2,250 exhibitors from over 150 countries, as well as almost 4,000 buyers.

Utilising the power of new technology to enhance the experience of attendees, IBTM World’s smartest event yet elevated its ability to deliver targeted, insightful, and profitable connections. This included introducing a new guidance tool, WalkMe, to its market-leading matchmaking platform, opening up the platform to visitor buyers for the first time, and launching the innovative Exhibitor Dashboard which enabled exhibitors to evaluate the tangible impact of their connections in real time.

Yugashnee Naicker, Group Manager (Sales) at Peermont said: “IBTM has always been a very successful show for us – we meet with serious buyers here and can really see the return on our investment. The buyers who we’ve met with know what they want, they know what they’re looking for, and they come with specific requests. In the first two days of the event, I’ve already issued two contracts and have four further excellent leads. It was especially good to see a lot of corporate buyers because it shows the industry really is in full swing again. It’s been a great show and wonderful to see that all markets are present from around the world.”

During the show, IBTM announced the long-anticipated launch of IBTM World Asia-Pacific. With its inaugural edition due to take place in Hong Kong in spring 2025, the show will bring together some of the region’s best-known suppliers and event planners for two exhilarating days of pre-arranged, one-to-one business meetings.

Claudia Hall, IBTM World Event Director, said: “Experiencing my first IBTM World as Event Director during such a successful edition has been incredibly exciting. The event plays a pivotal role in bringing together the business and professional events community to network, do business, share successes from the past year and plan for the future. The wonderful delegates, exhibitors and buyers I’ve had the privilege of engaging with over the last three days have been inspiring in their ideas, energy and positivity for the events industry. Our pioneering speakers have challenged, stimulated and inspired us with a passion and commitment that is infectious. 

“I would like to extend my warmest thanks to Barcelona Convention Bureau and Fira, Barcelona, who have been outstanding venue partners over the last 19 years and, without whom, IBTM World wouldn’t be what it is today. I can’t wait to do it all again next year.”

IBTM is a world-leading showcase for the meetings and events industry with a portfolio of events and products offering business solutions across four continents. The portfolio includes IBTM World, IBTM Americas, IBTM Asia Pacific and IBTM Africa.

IBTM World, the leading global event for the meetings and events industry, is the must-attend three-day event for the worldwide meeting, incentives, conference and events industry. Thousands of meetings and events buyers, suppliers and international trade media visit Fira Barcelona every November for IBTM’s flagship show.

Next event: Tuesday 19 November to Thursday 21 November 2024 at Fira Barcelona


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
西班牙巴塞罗那国际商务会议及奖励展览会(IBTM World)是开展国际商务会议、奖励活动、商务旅游活动等策划及解决方案专业展览会,是全球领先的商务活动、会议、奖励和旅游行业盛会,每年一届,在巴塞罗那举行。我们的活动有一个目标;激发活动世界为他们的客户提供卓越的体验。


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