

   日期:2023-10-15     浏览:4730    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-09-09 至 2025-09-14
展出城市 慕尼黑
展出地址 慕尼黑新国际展览中心
展馆名称 慕尼黑新国际展览中心
主办单位 德国汽车工业协会(VDA)
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
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慕尼黑国际汽车博览会(IAA MOBILITY / IAA Pkw / IAA Cars Frankfurt/Main)是德国最大的汽车展,是世界最重要和最全面的汽车工业成就展,由德国汽车工业协会(VDA)主办,从1897年开始,两年一届,在慕尼黑国际展览中心举行,从2021年开始在法兰克福、慕尼黑轮流举行,并将展会代码+ MOBILITY,注重汽车移动技术。该展会每逢双年在汉诺威国际展览中心展示商用车,单数年在慕尼黑或法兰克福国际展览中心展示家用轿车,是汽车的研发、生产和使用的国际交流平台,法兰克福车展IAA展出乘用车、汽车安装调试、特殊车辆、拖车、汽车店和车库设备,以及汽车部件和零配件。IAA慕尼黑车展的一个特别之处在于有大量的汽车部件和零配件厂家参展,其中包括活动于世界范围的系统供货商和模块供货商。IAA慕尼黑的一个特别之处在于有大量的汽车部件和零配件厂家参展,超过500家汽车行业的供应商将展出产品。当然物流服务、机构和协会、出版商和服务商等也将露面IAA车展。



“移动性是社会最重要的话题之一。 IAA MOBILITY 之所以举行,是因为世界各地的人们都在寻求更好的解决方案来满足他们的移动需求,而这些公司已经开发了许多新的解决方案来满足他们,他们希望在国际舞台上展示这些解决方案。主要重点将是解决气候中和道路上的问题。 IAA MOBILITY 是根据当前的冠状病毒规则举办的,这一事实本身就是该活动的巨大成功,”VDA 总裁 Hildegard Müller 解释道。


IAA MOBILITY 展示了移动性的未来,因此可以亲身体验并在现场进行现场讨论。 1,000 多名参展商和演讲者将展示他们最新的创新和概念。共有近 700 家参展商参展,包括汽车品牌、自行车品牌、科技领域的重要参与者以及供应行业的所有主要公司。 IAA 将举办 100 多场全球首演。 IAA MOBILITY 的新概念非常吸引人,第一年就有超过 70 个自行车行业的品牌注册参加。


慕尼黑移动汽车展(IAA MOBILITY)是汽车领域的领先展会,也是展示整个价值创造链的唯一汽车展览会,从个性化创意一直到综合移动解决方案。新车型当然是另一个受关注的焦点。但IAA很久以前就不仅仅是一个车展了。它致力于移动的各个方面。它还支持公司和参展商从汽车制造商转向移动服务提供商。此外,在IAA,原始设备制造商和供应商发布了有关电动汽车发展和传统内燃机发展的重要声明。仅德国制造商就在未来几年内开始对无排放和气候中立的汽车发起进攻,其中有超过150种电动车型。共举行了228场世界首演式。


在新汽车世界(NMW),IAA为汽车世界中的所有新玩家提供了额外的格式。它汇集了来自各个领域的创新者,他们为未来的移动性开发新的解决方案,技术或产品。最大的IT和技术公司在场 - 包括Facebook,谷歌,SAP和高通。在参加NMW会议的所有7,000名参观者中,小型创业公司提出了大量的想法。这些想法可以促进未来的移动性,或者是因为它们使得与其他道路使用者更容易沟通,或者因为车辆将更好地理解语音,或者仅仅因为更好地管理停车位。




这个IAA是在一个特别困难的时期举行的。几个月以来,一直存在一场公众辩论 - 有时是非常情绪化的争论 - 关于柴油机和禁令的可能性,这已经在汽车司机和顾客之间传播了不确定性。所以更令人高兴的是,IAA仍然像以前一样具有吸引力。在第一周,有320,000人来到IAA。在展览的最后一个周末,参观人数最多的是IAA,仅周六就有超过10万人参加。总共有大约810,000名访客来到IAA。这意味着IAA再次成为德国最常光顾的贸易展。






IAA的起源可追溯到100多年,在1897年,柏林布里斯托尔酒店向公众展示了8辆汽车。 从这些谦虚的开始,定期举办展会,由于游客人数众多,1991年必须分开乘客车和商用车交替展示。在奇数年间,IAA汽车展在法兰克福举行。 偶数年在汉诺威看到IAA商用车展。


展品范围(Show Products):

新能源汽车、纯电动汽车、油电混合双引擎汽车;乘用车 / 小型巴士 / 特殊车辆(包括运输车、大篷车、救援拖车,小型客运车),两轮或三轮汽车 / 3.5吨以下拖车 / 模型车部件和零配件:引擎、发动机部件、动力传输部件、底盘部件、悬挂和减震部件、制动系统部件、转向系统部件、轮胎、车架部件和附件、内饰部件、灯光技术、电动与电子部件、连接件、软管、零配件、半成品、原材料等;检测、修理、维护和供应:检测器材、汽车店设备、工具、清洁产品等;交通运输:交通数据处理、汽车通讯、交通巡航系统等;防护服装(司机用)/ 报废车辆处理;汽车融资租赁服务。


展会报告(Show Reports):

A rush of visitors to IAA MOBILITY 2023: Enthusiasm and fascination for the future of mobility – Industry showcases a performance of innovations with over 300 world premieres and novelties – Record numbers in the internationality of exhibitors, speakers, guests, and journalists – Over 3,700 accredited journalists from 82 countries – International coverage increases by over 70% compared to 2021 – Visitor survey: 92% rate IAA MOBILITY as excellent to good, two-thirds of visitors under 40 years of age

The mobility festival, IAA MOBILITY 2023, was a resounding success. From September 5 to 10, Munich became the epicenter of future mobility, attracting fascinated visitors from around the world to the performance of the innovations at the exhibition grounds and the outdoor mobility show in the city center. Over 500,000 people attended the IAA MOBILITY 2023, with over 100,000 visiting the Open Space on Saturday alone.

"This year's IAA MOBILITY 2023 was a significant success and a benchmark for the future of mobility. The German automotive industry is confident and determined – we are ready for future challenges. We are optimistic that our innovations will set global standards. IAA MOBILITY is a signal for change, showing the automotive industry's strong will and capability to be innovative needed to turn this transformation into a shared success story. This is the spirit emanating from Munich to the world.

The enthusiastic visitors highlight the immense interest people have in the future of mobility – and reflect the belief that sustainable and digital cars play a pivotal role. The intense dialogue and constructive debates with stakeholders from politics, society, and business in the Open Space and at IAA Summit are crucial in achieving climate-neutral mobility. The images broadcast from Munich in recent days show our optimistic outlook for the future and the German automotive industry's mission - to passionately excite people about their concepts and solutions. These also signify our determination to ensure Germany remains a car country, in terms of climate, people, and prosperity," says VDA President Hildegard Müller.

CEOs of Messe München GmbH, Stefan Rummel and Reinhard Pfeiffer also expressed their excitement: "A week of IAA MOBILITY was a week where Munich was bustling both at the exhibition grounds and downtown. We are pleased that the second IAA MOBILITY 2023 in Munich went smoothly and the revised concept has further established itself in Munich. Both the IAA Summit for professionals and the Open Space downtown received much acclaim and enthusiasm. It was a magnificent team effort! The Messe München, the Bavarian capital, and Bavaria as hosts once again demonstrated how international mega-events can be successfully implemented, creating unique experiences."

750 exhibitors, over 300 world premieres, and over 3,700 accredited journalists - Chancellor Olaf Scholz and international superstars visited Munich

In total, nearly 750 exhibitors from 38 countries presented over 300 world premieres and novelties at IAA MOBILITY 2023. Every second exhibitor came from abroad. The high level of internationality was also evident among the visitors: almost 30% were from abroad, from 109 countries. More than 3,700 journalists from 82 countries were accredited for IAA MOBILITY. International coverage increased by 70% compared to IAA MOBILITY 2021.

"IAA MOBILITY brought the biggest companies from the mobility and technology sectors worldwide and many startups to Munich. The past few days, the numbers, and personal conversations prove: IAA MOBILITY is the cross-industry international platform for the future of mobility. What's happening in Munich is being received worldwide with great interest and enthusiasm. This proves: Our concept of the IAA Summit and in the Open Space is a perfect fit for Munich. My thanks also go to the police, fire brigade, and rescue teams that ensured a safe IAA MOBILITY 2023 in Munich. We are in productive discussions with the Messe München GmbH for IAA MOBILITY 2025," says Hildegard Müller.

Over 500 international top speakers at the IAA Conference provided exclusive insights into the future of mobility. These included leading CEOs from the mobility and tech sectors, and international personalities like Oscar-winner Natalie Portman, Mars mission candidate Alyssa Carson, and Sophia Kianni, founder of a climate protection initiative. Chancellor Olaf Scholz inaugurated the IAA MOBILITY last Tuesday. Among the IAA MOBILITY guests were numerous international politicians, ambassadors, and ministers from federal and state governments.

92% rate the IAA MOBILITY as excellent to good - Dialogue and interactivity at the forefront of IAA MOBILITY 2023

IAA MOBILITY has been very well received by the visitors, according to a survey by Gelszus Messe-Marktforschung GmbH. 92% rated IAA MOBILITY from excellent to good. 94% of respondents would recommend the IAA MOBILITY. For the majority, cars were the main interest; over a quarter came for the displayed bicycles and micro-mobility. IAA MOBILITY particularly appeals to a younger audience – 64% of visitors were under 40 years of age. Also, around 89% of the professional visitors rated the experience and atmosphere of IAA MOBILITY as excellent to good. Nearly 92% of exhibitors, journalists, and visitors rated the internationality of IAA MOBILITY from excellent to good.

One focus of IAA MOBILITY is to have open dialogue and constructive exchange with the public. The Citizens Lab at the Marienplatz in Munich hosted 65 panels and workshops on the future of mobility and urban development. Offers for families and cultural events, like the free OpenAir concerts, also met with extraordinarily high interest.

A particular highlight was the numerous test drives conducted. Over 8,500 car test drives allowed enthusiasts to experience the latest mobility innovations firsthand. This is 1,000 drives more than IAA MOBILITY 2021. about 4,000 rides with bicycles and e-bikes show that the bike test tracks in the English Garden were also a huge success.

"People want to see and experience mobility innovations. We are determined to excite society with our solutions and motivate them to contribute to achieving climate-neutral mobility. Our guiding principle is to shape individual mobility in a sustainable and digital manner. Mobility means participation and is thus a central pillar of our lives. Now, it's about realizing the potential of connected traffic. Solutions and concepts were presented at the IAA MOBILITY," says Müller.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
慕尼黑国际汽车博览会(IAA MOBILITY / IAA Pkw / IAA Cars Frankfurt/Main)是德国最大的汽车展,是世界最重要和最全面的汽车工业成就展,由德国汽车工业协会(VDA)主办,从1897年开始,两年一届,在慕尼黑国际展览中心举行,从2021年开始在法兰克福、慕尼黑轮流举行,并将展会代码+ MOBILITY,注重汽车移动技术。


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