

   日期:2023-06-06     浏览:4307    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-02-27 至 2024-03-01
展出城市 马德里
展出地址 马德里国际展览中心
展馆名称 马德里国际展览中心
主办单位 马德里IFEMA国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)

西班牙马德里国际安防展览会(SICUR)是西班牙最大的国际安全、个人防卫恐怖事件防范、突发事件处理及消防专业展览会,并获得UFI认证的专业性展会,该展从1980年开始举办,两年一届,在马德里国际展览中心举行。该展涉及:防御,紧急情况,火灾预防、发现和消灭,信息安全,代理和机构,自然风险控制服务和设备,核安全,保护反对恐怖主义,安全和卫生工作,面对入侵、抢劫的侵略安全,专业出版物,交通运输保障和安全。西班牙安防行业的一个重要发展趋势就是客 户一般需要的是全套集成方案,包含现场工程、人员培 训配备、电子安全及警报系统、防火系统等的一系列集成方案。而由于新建筑物的连年兴建,安全和防火消防设备的市场一直都保持两位数的增长速度。

参展企业来自:针对入侵、抢劫和攻击的安全性;火灾预防、检测和灭绝;临时劳工及工人的安全及卫生健康;交通运输及安全;自然风险控制;核安全;计算机安全;反恐安全;紧急情况;保险人身与财产安全;国防;协会与组织。主要来自于澳大利亚、比利时、塞浦路斯、丹麦、法国、德国、英国、香港、印度、 意大利、卢森堡、摩纳哥、荷兰、巴基斯坦、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、委内瑞拉等。


该展观众来自从事安全的专业人士:工程师,建筑师,安装专家,保险代理人 ,官方机构,军队,警察局,消防部门,建筑公司,银行等。专业观众主要来自于安道拉、阿根廷、比利时、巴西、智利、哥伦比亚、捷 克、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、英国、意大利、墨西哥、摩洛哥、荷兰、秘鲁、葡萄牙、俄 罗斯、西班牙、土耳其、美国、委内瑞拉等。


目前欧洲及世界各国处于高度安全防范中,特别是西班牙对安全产品的需求增长快速,同时对建筑安防产品的需求也在增加。 在西班牙安防市场上,最有前景的恐怕就是反恐安防产品了, 如监听探测用品、高端监视系统、IP录像监视等。此外,各市政当局及交通局也在不断地完 善自己的监视系统以起到威慑及防范犯罪活动的作用。防火设备,特别是野外火警,的需求 量也很大。而监控及各拘留所的监听设备也因设施的更新、需求在不断的增加中。而西班牙的经济发展在整个欧盟中是增长比较快的国家,加上人们对安全防范的迫切要求,所以目前西班牙对各类安防产品的需求可谓是节节攀升,安防市场必将逐年增加,市场前景广阔,高科技产品及技术更新产品更是抢手货。


展品范围(Show Products):


展会报告(Show Report):

The International Security Exhibition, SICUR 2022, was organised by IFEMA MADRID from 22nd to 25th February. It brought together 38,906 professionals and 1646 companies exhibiting across four of the Exhibition Centre’s halls.

This event was a great success both in numbers and quality. As well as achieving excellent participation numbers, it attracted high-level decision-makers and purchasers. Some 34% of visitors were managers, which is essential for reviving relationships and business following the pandemic crisis. Different aspects of the pandemic have put security at the forefront for prescribers and users of security equipment and solutions.

SICUR also had excellent overseas attendance with professionals from 59 countries, 7.4% of the Fair’s visitors. There were many attendees from Portugal, consolidating SICUR’s leadership across the Iberian peninsular, in addition to those from Italy, France and the United Kingdom, in that order.

SICUR attracted security sector professionals from all parts of Spain, with a diverse range of visitors from all the regions. Attendees from outside Madrid accounted for 56.5% of Spanish attendees, with Catalonia, Andalusia and Valencia, in that order, being the other regions with the highest number of visitors to the Fair.

SICUR offered a comprehensive and markedly technological vision throughout the Exhibition Centre’s Halls 4, 6, 8 and 10 from this leading and highly innovative sector. 1646 companies took part, of which 508 were direct exhibitors, and 17% were from twenty other countries.

And for the first time, the SICUR LIVEConnect platform made this a hybrid event with online participation by companies and professionals in parallel with the in-person event, extending its geographical scope and the time for participants to follow the Fair as it will stay operational until 11th March.

To complement the trade show, in the technical talks programmes FORO SICUR (SICUR Forum), SICUR CYBER and SICUR RESILIENCIA (SICUR Resilience), leading industry experts offered a wide and varied range of topics and examined the current state of the security sector in all its breadth. This programme of activities attracted nearly 1400 attendees.

Among other issues, the FORO SICUR programme addressed the challenges and demands in global security and contracting security services. It analysed operational security and operations in emergency management, pandemic crisis management, new technologies in incident resolution and innovation and new challenges in fire-fighting. It also covered the coordination between public and occupational health and the new occupational health and well-being scenarios in depth.

In cybersecurity, the SICUR CYBER programme was organised in collaboration with Seguritecnia and Red Seguridad. It brought together several expert presentations on cybersecurity oriented to the needs of the Security sector. This space addressed digitalisation for security businesses, cybercrime investigation, protecting video surveillance and access control systems, the Spanish cybersecurity ecosystem and cybersecurity in the corporate security field, among many others.


SICUR RESILIENCIA was a special-interest space about Resilience for Companies & Organisations, organised in partnership with the Spanish Technological Platform for Industrial Safety, PESI. It hosted the workshop about the R&D&I call under Horizon Europe’s Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society, the International S2R Congress (Safety, Security and Resilience Innovations & Research in Europe), and the First PESI Women & Innovation in Security Awards to showcase the work of women in institutions and associations, in technical fields and internationally.

As every year, SICUR also showcased a selection of cutting-edge proposals in its Innovation Gallery. This edition featured 31 products, with particular visibility for projects by four young companies in the SICUR START-UPS space. SICUR had plenty of live activities, workshops and demonstrations out at the stands of the Guardia Civil (Civil Guard), Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalonia Police), Ertzaintza (Basque Police), Municipal Police, SAMUR (Civil Protection), Madrid City Council Fire Brigade, the Madrid Region’s 112 Security and Emergency Agency, and the Military Emergency Unit (UME). Attendees enjoyed watching their best practices and learning about some of the innovative equipment they use in their interventions.

SICUR '22 has the backing of the Madrid Regional Government under a collaboration agreement with IFEMA MADRID. This agreement aims to support companies undergoing digital transformation and internationalisation and achieve the goal shared by both institutions: to promote Madrid economically and internationally.

The last edition of SICUR 2020 has once again confirmed its role as the driving force behind the comprehensive security sector and its capacity to attract visitors, bringing together 706 exhibitors, 2,016 participating companies and 42,838 professionals. In this way, the International Security Exhibition, organized by IFEMA, once again became one of the great business catalysts for an industry that requires constant updating to successfully face the important challenges in technology, design and innovation in the world of security.


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